AIPPI Turkey - 4th IP Law Seminar - AIPPI Gruppo Italiano

AIPPI Turkey – 4th IP Law Seminar

//AIPPI Turkey – 4th IP Law Seminar

AIPPI Turkey – 4th IP Law Seminar

Dear AIPPI Colleagues,
we warmly welcome to join us at a seminar taking place in Istanbul between the dates April 07-08, 2016.

Taking into consideration their increasing importance and the problems encountered in practice in recent years, the subjects of the seminar have been determined as the following:

“3D Printing Technology and its reflections on Intellectual Property Law”,
“Computer Software Implemented Inventions” followed by a mock trial on the same topic,
“Parallel Importation and its reflections on Intellectual Property Rights and Anti-Counterfeiting (in the light of Court of Appeals’ Precedents and Customs Regulations)”,
“Infringement of Trademark Rights by Domain Name Registrations and WIPO Implementions in Turkish Legal Practice “,
“Extreme Limitations on Performance of Intellectual Property Rights”,
“Discussion on the Current Legislation Studies in Turkish Intellectual Property Law in the light of the abolishment by Constitutional Court”.

For more detailed information, please refer to the attached programme..

We look forward to seeing many members of your national group in Istanbul in April 2016!

Online registration is open at the website:

With best regards,
In the name of the Turkish National Group of AIPPI


2019-11-02T08:52:09+01:00 4 Marzo 2016|Seminari&convegni|